a. Wash your face every night before bed and add a moisturizer - we like a pure organic oil like rose hip, vitamin E, jojoba oil.
b. Try to get one extra hour of quality sleep every night. 8 hours is optimal, but just one extra hour per night will help improve your outlook on the day.
c. Move your body for 15 minutes a day. Walk around the block, do some squats and lunges at your desk, do some stretching, sweep or vacuum, wash your kitchen cabinets - anything that gets your body moving and the blood flowing.
d. Make sure you are consuming these essential nutrients OR take one of these supplements to help improve your health. Our bodies are commonly deficient in a few essential nutrients that may help with mood, sleep, energy, not to mention cardiovascular health, brain function and more. These are a few we recommend:
i. Magnesium (sleep, mood, leg cramps)
ii. Vitamin D3 with K2 (mood, bone health, cardiovascular health)
iii. A quality MultiVitamin (energy, overall health)
iv. Omega3’s - (cardiovascular health, brain function, joint health)
v. Fiber - (cardiovascular health, keeps blood sugar in check)
vi. Creatine - (helps build and maintain muscle mass/strength)
vii. Protein - (helps the body make cells and repair cells as well as build lean muscle.)
vii. Fruits & Veggies OR a supplement like Indigo Greens.
viii. A probiotic - especially if you have poor gut health or on a prescription medication.
ix. To make getting healthy easier than ever - subscribe to this ONE personalized essential nutrient program and make sure that you are getting almost everything your body needs in one dose. 44+ essential nutrients.
x. Wear Sunscreen
5. Make a To-Do list of 12 manageable projects you want to get done in the year to come. - Cross ONE THING off per MONTH. Just ONE - no more. If you do one thing a month that gets you closer to achieving your goals in 2023 that is one step closer than before. Even if it is to replace all of the burned out lightbulbs in the house, organize your closet or pantry, or start a scrapbook for your child, etc.